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Merriam Webster defines strength as the quality or state of being strong, or capacity for exertion or endurance.  But what really measures strength?  In the case of this project, strength will be determined by the amount of weight being pushed or pulled in comparison to a person's body weight.  Deadlifts, bench press, and squats will judge the strength of the individuals. 

In this project, I will determine the most effective repetition to volume ratio for maximum strength gain.  What this means, is that two of the four individuals will train with a high volume (weight) and low repetition style.  The other two will train with the opposite, low volume and high repetition style.  Exercises, durations of workouts, and any other factor will be fixed and stay constant between the two parties, having differences in only the ratios of volume to repetition.

Four students of BASIS and I will train at LA Fitness for 3 months in order to gain the muscle to achieve a higher strength.  The listed four individuals have had no prior experience to weight lifting.  The numbers following the names of each individual are the subject’s one repetition max at the three main lifts (deadlifts, squat, bench).

Athlete A

Deadlift: 175 lbs

Bench: 155 lbs.

Squat: 185 lbs


Athlete B

Deadlift: 135 lbs

Bench: 105 lbs

Squat: 85 lbs


Athlete C

Deadlift: 115 lbs

Bench: 85 lbs

Squat: 85 lbs


Athlete D

Deadlift: 225 lbs

Bench: 165 lbs

Squat: 235 lbs


Athlete E

Deadlift: 135 lbs

Bench: 115 lbs

Squat: 155 lbs

The one repetition max weight will not be held again until the end of the training program.  The high volume and low rep group must lift heavy, but must also hit from 2-4 repetitions per main lift.  The low volume and high repetition group must lift a repetition cycle of 8-10 per main lift.  Instead of comparing the two parties to each other, the results will be determined by the amount of percentage change of each individual from the beginning of the project, to the end of the project.  May the best party win, and may gains be blessed upon these young lifters.

The Project

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