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Back to the Roots

I have an insatiable hunger for weight lifting. Every day I look forward to putting on some weights on the sides of a barbell and go to work. Maybe the attraction of the gym is its ability to distract you from the rest of the world, giving you an hour or so to simply focus on mindless, stress relieving activities. Or it could be caused by the feeling of accomplishment after a workout. Knowing that you have the ability to push crazy amounts of weight off your body is satisfying itself, let alone doing it every day. Honestly, I don’t really care what my body looks like as long as I can push heavy weight. I don’t need six pack abs, or the horseshoe tricep, or a defined chest. My goals are strength gain based. Right now, my trainees don’t have any goals for themselves besides to increase their weight pushing by 5 lbs every time they step up to the bar. For me however, I have numbers that I want to hit. And though it will probably take me more than a year to achieve it, I have the goal in mind.

The purest form of weightlifting is going into the gym and just lifting. Simply picking up the weights, and pushing your body to its breaking points. No creatine or pre-workout powders, protein powder, or any dietary supplements. Some newcomers find it difficult to keep up with everyone in the fitness world. There are so many brands, and labels that can attract you to their product but deter you from the fundamentals of picking up a weight and putting it down.

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